Once upon a time... around 1965.

Once upon a time... around 1965.
無論您走得多遠,也走不出我們的心... 如同黃昏時分的樹影,拖得再長也離不開樹根......

2011年5月18日 星期三

雯瑩 醫師

Wendy Huang 雯瑩 醫師   2010年5月19日 15:43

Holistic Medicine and Acupuncture
Wendy Huang, M.D., MPH, DABMA
certified by the American Board of Pediatrics
certified by the American Board of Medical Acupuncture
Diplomate, American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine
9 Professional Circle, Suite 212
Colts Neck, NJ 07722
(732) 780-1155
Email: ask@holisticmdwendy.com

Hours: M 9-12, 3-5; T 2:30-5; Th 3-6; F 9-12; Sa 9-12
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“For five years, the best fertility doctors told me that I was not a good candidate for IVF and should consider adopting. After 12 doctors, I found a wonderful fertility doctor. Before my procedure, Dr. Huang advised me to cleanse my body, and twice a week, I came to her office for acupuncture treatments. With the help of God, she helped me with the miracle of conceiving a healthy baby girl.”
Judy Rosenfeld, Age 38
“I struggled in College with anxiety and depression; I didn't want anything to do with anybody or anything. I just wanted to sleep all day and stay indoors so I didn't have to talk to anyone. I forced myself to move home because I was miserable, and I obviously wasn't doing what I was supposed to at college. When I returned home I met with Dr. Huang and she counseled me on how to cleanse my body and I received acupuncture treatments once a week. The results were amazing! After the first treatment I had already felt relaxed and as if a huge weight of negative energy had left my body. It made me desperately want to get back to my old self. I received about 4 or 5 acupuncture treatments last summer, it was pain free and actually very relaxing. Since then I have come a long way, and I would recommend acupuncture to anyone. Acupuncture is natural and pain free with amazing results. I don't know where I would be if I haven't had the help of Dr. Huang.”
Kylene Krscnski, age 23
After practicing traditional pediatrics for ten years, I saw that our traditional health care alone was not helping our patients achieve true health. Our current health care focuses on eliminating the symptoms of the disease without eliminating the root of the problem. Many patients required more drugs just to treat side-effects of other drugs!
While we bragged about the length of our average life span, the true health of our nation went downhill. There were very few children with obesity and high cholesterol when I first started my practice 21 years ago. Now, many of my three-year-old patients suffer from high cholesterol, and many children under 10 were obese.

Ten years ago, I started practicing holistic medicine on myself, my family, and my friends with very good results. As I saw the benefits, I gradually integrated holistic medicine into my traditional pediatric practice. It was a great success, and it brought fulfillment and joy into the way I practiced medicine.

I started my holistic program with a nutritional program, life-style changes, supplements and herbs. Five years ago, I went back to my cultural roots and rediscovered the amazing power of acupuncture and Chinese herbal medicine, which completed my holistic program.

You see, there is no one technique that can cure every person and every disease. Many complicated health conditions like ADHD, recurrent infections, hormonal imbalance, infertility, anxiety and depression need many different treatment techniques. With my MD background and extensive training in holistic medicine, I have been able to orchestrate multiple modalities to improve these difficult health issues.

So, I decided to open a brand new office, where I will set perfect healing environments for my patients. I will not book more than two or three patients per hour, so you can sit down in a relaxed atmosphere to discuss all your concerns. Welcome to the way the holistic medicine should be.

I am not here to replace your primary care doctor but to work with him or her as a holistic consultant. Together we will help you get true health!


About the practice
“My son Jordan was diagnosed with RSV (Respiratory Syncytial Virus) at three weeks old and from that point on he was on and off albuterol, xopenex, and pulmicort. After his first birthday, Dr. Huang suggested that he be tested for allergies and the results were astonishing; not only was he allergic to the top three allergens soy, dairy and gluten, but he also had about four other food allergies. Once these allergic foods were eliminated from his diet, his eczema cleared up completely; however, whenever he got a cold he would start wheezing almost immediately. This summer Dr. Huang recommended acupuncture as a way to prevent his ‘asthmatic’ episodes during the upcoming cold and flu season. Jordan had four acupuncture treatments during the summer and he also began taking Chinese herbs to strengthen his lungs. Since the summer he has had three or four colds and he has never wheezed. We have not had to use any of his asthma medications since his acupuncture and herbal treatments this summer. (By the way, Jordan loved the acupuncture treatments; he never cried and he sat quietly on my lap while Dr. Huang did the procedure.)”
Jordan C. of Howell, NJ
MD degree from Taipei Medical College, Taipei, Taiwan
MPH degree from University of Texas at Houston, Houston, Texas
Pediatric residency. St Agnes Hospital, Baltimore, MD 1981-1982
Pediatric residency. Rutgers Medical school (now Robert Wood Johnson University), New Brunswick, NJ 1982-1984
UCLA medical acupuncture course, 2002-2003
Practice, Holmdel, NJ
General pediatrics and adolescents 1985-2007
Integrated medicine since 1997
Medical acupuncture since 2003
Medical doctor License. State of New Jersey
MD-Acupuncture certificate, State of New Jersey
American Board of Pediatrics 1986
American Board of Medical Acupuncture 2005
Diplomate, American Board of Anti-Aging Medicine
Fellow of American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) since 1986
American Academy of Medical Acupuncture (AAMA) since 2003
American Society of Anti-Aging Medicine (A4M) since 2009
Specialty continuing education courses
Alternative medicine: Implication for clinical practice - Harvard Medical school 1997
Botanic Medicine in modern clinical practice. Columbia Univ. 2002
American Academy of Medical Acupuncture annual symposium 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009
Oriental Medicine and Women's health. The treatment of Infertility and Menopause — Georgia Association of Medical Acupuncturists, Atlanta, GA 2005
Auricular acupuncture workshop - AAMA annual symposium 2006
Basic and advanced acupuncture balance method from the Book of Change. with. Richard Tan, OMD, New York, 2006
Weekly Chinese herbal course with Dr. Yang 2005-2006
Wiley Protocol of Bioidentical Hormone Replacement training course — Los Angeles, CA 2008
American Academy of Anti-Aging Symposium — April 2009, September 2009.


Fribromyalgia Syndrome (FMS)
Wendy Huang, MD

About 2 % of US adult population suffer from this debilitating condition. When I started my holistic practice, I noted this used to be the condition I had problem treating until I found the hormone link between Fibromyalgia and Chronic fatigue Syndrome.

Fibromyalgia and Chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) share many common features like fatigue, sleep problem, mood disorder, but fibromyalgia has the distinct feature of chronic pain. The pain usually is bilateral, chronic (at least 3 months without other known causes), involving both generalized areas and tender points (at least 11 of the 18 points). The pain is so intense,when tender points were touched, that deep massage becomes a torture for these patients.

Fibromyalgia and Chronic fatigue syndrome also share the most important pathology which is adrenal dysfunction. Adrenal glands secrete Cortisol which helps body handle stress including inflammation. Cortisol levels are supposed to go up with both condition, but they usually decrease after a long time and some people call it adrenal fatigue (please also read the previous newsletter on this topic).

People suffering from any chronic pain often deplete their adrenal gland , and this is a must addressed issue as well as their mental condition like anxiety and depression. Their brain was conditioned to feel the pain all the time, and it takes a lot of effort to change that pathway.

Once I address the adrenal condition, I have much more success treating this difficult ailment. The rehab of adrenal gland usually takes herbal, relaxation skill, mindset changes,nutritional optimization, etc. And most importantly, patients got to be able to have a good night sleep (whatever it takes, we have to make sure of this), and need to stop anxiety and depression from draining their adrenal glands. Acupuncture is very effective to achieve those two goals and also to deactivate the tender points.

Exercise other than gentle walking may be too much for those patients. Many also suffered from low sodium due to low Aldosterone (another adrenal hormone). Drinking warm water with some sea salt first thing in the morning and throughout the day as needed would make them feel better. Patients also need a large amount of vitamin B complex to carry them through the day.

Other hormonal imbalance (thyroid is a common one) and underline chronic infection like E-B virus (Infectious mononucleosis) would also need to be taken care of to get patients completely better. Treating pain symptom of FMS without removing the underline cause will not heal the condition. It is still a long quest to overcome FMS, but we have seen more and more success with these integrated approach.

For more information please check : <


Four years ago, I was diagnosed with hypothyroidism and suffering with fatigue, sleeplessness, weight gains, hair loss, cold hands and feet, as well as memory loss. I sought the treatment of an endocrinologists and a nutritionist. Each made their respective prescriptions. Although my blood tests confirmed my thyroid was "working normally," I still didn't feel any better. My nutritionist suggested I add acupuncture to my routine.
I met with Dr. Huang in November 2008. At our very first meeting, she shook my hand, which was a block of ice and asked if I had a thyroid problem. My response was, "according to my endocrinologist, not anymore." Dr Huang spent an hour discussing my medical and physical history, which is the most time a doctor has ever spent interviewing me. Together, Dr. Huang and I prioritized my symptoms and the course of action we would take. She prescribed acupuncture and bio-identical hormones, which included thyroid hormones that have both T3 and T4. I was taking control of my health!!!

I have been meeting with Dr. Huang regularly since then and am feeling significantly better. Best of all, my symptoms have demised especially that my hands an feet no longer feel like blocks of ice. I will continue to work with Dr. Huang until I am symptom free.

MaryEllen P, 48

All pediatric health concerns
Specialized in treating ADHD without drugs,
Behavior problems & learning difficulties,
Allergy & recurrent infections,
Eating and digestive disorders, including infant colic and reflux
Emotional problems including anxiety and depression.
Also provide nutrition & life style consultation, immune boost program and stress management.

Medical Acupuncture for all ages
Specialized in neck and back pain, TMJ syndrome,
Asthma prevention,
Digestive problem, Crohn's disease, irritable bowel syndrome,
Insomnia, anxiety, depression,
Chronic fatigue syndrome,
Female hormonal imbalance including PMS, menopausal difficulties and infertility.
Also provide general tonic and tuning for exhausted parents or to achieve ultimate health.
Anti-aging Medicine: Bioidentical hormone replacement for women and men
Bioidentical hormones (BIH) mean the hormones have exactly the same structure as the hormones naturally found in our bodies. Most of us have abundant hormones to keep our bodies functioning at their peak performance when we are young. However, hormone levels decline as time goes by and results in many of the signs of aging. The most well-known period of our hormones' sharp decline is called menopause for women and andropause for men. Symptoms may include mood swings, anxiety, depression, sleep problems, fatigue, hot flashes, GI discomfort, migraines, weight gain, etc.
When we want our hormones replaced, we want to make sure they are bioidentical, manufactured by a reliable source and the routes of hormone delivery are also very critical. Hormones are naturally secreted from our endocrine systems and circulate through the blood and other body fluids; they never go through our digestive system. Taking hormones through our mouth is not just ineffective, but put burdens on our liver. Hormones should be delivered transdermally, sublingually or transmucosa (with the exception of human growth hormones).

The schedule on which we take BIH is also very important. We want to take BIH the same way our bodies naturally secrete them: in a rhythmic dosing. Women have their estrogen peak during the first part of their cycle and progesterone peak during the second part of their cycle. Static dosing of hormones is not physiological and may not serve our bodies best.

I also draw patients' blood hormonal levels before and after treatment to scientifically document their hormonal levels and adjust the dosage accordingly. I make sure I check all hormones, not just the sex hormones, because every hormone interacts with every other. Every hormone plays a tune in our health. Only when every hormone is humming its happy tune will our life become a song of harmony and joy. Here are two useful links:
http://www.wileyprotocol.com/ http://www.worldhealth.net/
As baby boomers mature, we don't want to age like our parents or grand parents did. With all current knowledge of how our bodies age and technologies to slow them down, we don't have to. With proper support, many of us can healthily live to our natural life span of 120 years or more. The basic rule is to eat the good food, live the healthy life style, have positive mindset, take the right supplements and detoxify our bodies periodically. The advanced steps would be to replace our hormones when our bodies stop to produce enough and use specific nutraceuticals to enhance the weakest organs like our brain, heart or bones so they can go hand in hand with our younger bodies. Nutraceuticals were food nutritions extracted by pharmaceutical safety methods and standardization. This industry advanced a long way and produced many safe and effective products to prevent aging.

I noticed many people were forced out of job markets not because their bodies were sick, but their mind became less creative, their memories falter, their response time slow and they are not as sharp as before. There are many steps we can take to regain some of the sharpness, prevent us walking down the road that leads to senile cognitive dysfunction.

< Website : 
http://www.holisticmdwendy.com/index.html >



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