Once upon a time... around 1965.

Once upon a time... around 1965.
無論您走得多遠,也走不出我們的心... 如同黃昏時分的樹影,拖得再長也離不開樹根......

2011年5月30日 星期一

教育的未來(Did you know)V1.0

先用這2007年的暢行無阻短文嚇嚇您... 只為了叫醒您... 沒有太多用意... 您也別想太多... 尤其是有憂鬱症傾向的您... 要您真正注意的不是這篇... 而是下一篇文章 !!! 尚請拭目以待......

From : 靜心六六 

作者 : 朱學恒 (07-06 05:43) 


原作者的原文網頁:Karl Fisch's fish bowl : http://thefischbowl.blogspot.com/2006/08/did-you-know.html

2006 年,位在科羅拉多州的一所默默無聞的公立高中Arapahoe剛結束暑假;新學期開始的時候,校長請該校科技中心的負責人Karl Fisch為老師們解說一下目前教育界的技術發展和趨勢。正好Arapahoe高中獲得了一筆基金會的贊助,幫學校換了兩百多台的電腦,於是Karl就決定以讓老師瞭解未來趨勢的角度來製作一套投影片,希望他們可以知道自己面對的是什麼樣的挑戰,並且進而能夠讓高中生們面對這樣的改變。Karl從書籍、網路、政府資料中整理出了一些數據,並且用淺顯易懂的比喻加入投影片中。(這些數據來自於「世界是平的」作者、教育界的知名人士、美國前教育部長、美國勞工部、麻省理工學院等等……)

在做好影片,配上音樂之後,他把這個影片取名為「Did you know?」;在校內老師面前第一次播放的時候,他還覺得忐忑不安,但幸好底下老師的反應很不錯,讓他覺得這影片似乎達成了他想要傳達的效果。











美國前教育部長Richard Riley認為...










這個人叫做Andreas Ramos,他是矽谷一家新創公司Position2的執行長。這家公司的工作是網路廣告代理搜尋最佳化。(聽起來很繞口對吧!)他的工作是把客戶所購買的搜尋引擎廣告效果最佳化。Google贊助了麻省理工價值四十五萬美金的網路廣告,但關鍵字和必須由他們自行管理。所以,麻省理工找上了Andreas Ramos,而他額外替麻省理工編寫了48,548個額外的關鍵字,並且透過演算法和網路行銷的技巧進行全球化的推廣。








Text for Did You Know Presentation

Several folks have asked for just the text of the Did You Know presentation. You can find it below. The original presentation (http://thefischbowl.blogspot.com/2006/08/did-you-know.html) includes slides at the beginning that are specific to my school. (You can also find sources for the information and the original context of the presentation there.)
Scott McLeod’s Remix (http://scottmcleod.typepad.com/dangerouslyirrelevant/2007/01/gone_fischin.html) removes AHS-specific slides and adds one MySpace slide. There are also various other remixes on the web that have different slides (typically specific to local schools/states/countries).

  1. 1.      Did You Know . . .
  2. 2.      AHS has 249 new computers this fall.
  3. 3.      212 of them are from grants.
  4. 4.      AHS has 33 new LCD projectors this fall.
  5. 5.      33 of them from grants.
  6. 6.      AHS has a wireless network running right now (802.11 a/b/g).
  7. 7.      District wireless devices have full access to the network (Internet, file servers, and printing).
  8. 8.      Anybody’s 802.11 a/b/g device has access to the Internet (but not file servers or printers).

*Scott’s version starts here. 
  1. 9.      Did you know . . .
10.  Sometimes size does matter.
11.  If you’re one in a million in China . . .
12.  There are 1,300 people just like you.
13.  In India, there are 1,100 people just like you.
14.  The 25% of the population in China with the highest IQ’s . . .
15.  Is greater than the total population of North America.
16.  In India, it’s the top 28%.
17.  Translation for teachers: They have more honors kids than we have kids.
18.  Did you know . . .
19.  China will soon become the number one English speaking country in the world.
20.  If you took every single job in the U.S. today and shipped it to China . . .
21.  China would still have a labor surplus.
22.  During the course of this 8 minute presentation . . .
23.  60 babies will be born in the U.S. 244 babies will be born in China

351 babies will be born in India.

24.  The U.S. Department of Labor estimates that today’s learner will have 10-14 jobs . . .
25.  By the age of 38.
26.  According to the U.S. Department of Labor . . .
27.  1 out of 4 workers today is working for a company they have been employed by for less than one year.
28.  More than 1 out of 2 are working for a company they have worked for for less than five years.
29.  According to former Secretary of Education Richard Riley . . .
30.  The top 10 in-demand jobs in 2010 didn’t exist in 2004.
31.  We are currently preparing students for jobs that don’t yet exist . . .
32.  Using technologies that haven’t been invented . . .
33.  In order to solve problems we don’t even know are problems yet.
34.  Name this country . . .
35. Richest in the World

Largest Military
Center of world business and finance
Strongest education system
World center of innovation and invention
Currency the world standard of value
Highest standard of living
36.  England.
37.  In 1900.
38.  Did you know . . .
39.  The U.S.

is 20th in the world in broadband Internet penetration.
(Luxembourg just passed us.)

40.  In 2002 alone Nintendo invested more than $140 million in research and development.
41.  The U.S. Federal Government spent less than half as much on Research and Innovation in Education.
42.  1 out of every 8 couples married in the U.S. last year met online.

43.  There are over 100 million registered users of MySpace.(August 2006)
*Scott updated to 106 million for September 2006 and added this slide:
If MySpace were a country, it would be the 11th-largest in the world (between Japan and Mexico)*

44.  The average MySpace page is visited 30 times a day.
45.  Did you know . . .
46.  We are living in exponential times.
47.  There are over 2.7 billion searches performed on Google each month.

48.  To whom were these questions addressed B.G.?
(Before Google)

49.  The number of text messages sent and received every day exceeds the population of the planet.
50.  There are about 540,000 words in the English language . . .
51.  About 5 times as many as during Shakespeare’s time.
52.  More than 3,000 new books are published . . .
53.  Daily.
54.  It’s estimated that a week’s worth of New York Times . . .
55.  Contains more information than a person was likely to come across in alifetime in the 18th century.
56.  It’s estimated that 40 exabytes (that’s 4.0 x 1019) of unique new information will be generated worldwide this year.
57.  That’s estimated to be more than in the previous 5,000 years.
58.  The amount of new technical information is doubling every 2 years.
59.  It’s predicted to double every 72 hours by 2010.
60.  Third generation fiber optics has recently been separately tested by NEC and Alcatel . . .
61.  That pushes 10 trillion bits per second down one strand of fiber.
62.  That’s 1,900 CDs or 150 million simultaneous phone calls every second.
63.  It’s currently tripling about every 6 months and is expected to do so for at least the next 20 years.
64.  The fiber is already there, they’re just improving the switches on the ends. Which means the marginal cost of these improvements is effectively $0.
65.  Predictions are that e-paper will be cheaper than real paper.
66.  47 million laptops were shipped worldwide last year.
67.  The $100 laptop project is expecting to ship between 50 and 100 million laptops a year to children in underdeveloped countries.
68.  Predictions are that by 2013 a supercomputer will be built that exceeds the computation capability of the Human Brain . . .
69.  By 2023, a $1,000 computer will exceed the computation capability of the Human Brain . . .
70.  First grader Abby will be just 23 years old and beginning her (first) career . . .
71.  And while technical predictions further out than about 15 years are hard to do . . .
72.  Predictions are that by 2049 a $1,000 computer will exceed the computational capabilities of the human race.
73.  What does it all mean?
74.  Shift Happens.
75.  Now you know . . .

* ( 一段網誌上的回覆 )

我對 "教育的未來" 這種片子完全沒有興趣。



以前被稱作 "公信力" 的專家,現在只能說上是嘴砲王,每次在電視上出現都會讓我覺得很可笑,


我沒有要攻擊你這篇的意思。反正你也只是"順便"把影片放上來,所以我也只是 "順便" 打擊一下專家。哈。




我的醫生告訴我說 : " 上帝已經把我的門全都關起來了,我都快得幽閉恐懼症了... "

 我回答他 : " 沒關係... 撐過這一兩天你就有奇怪的窗子可以開了。"

( 哈。哈。哈。哈。這是神經病院裡的一段對話嗎?! )



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